The Irony of the People Who Shout “Freedom of Expression”

“Freedom of expression” – this is one of the popular mantra of the advocates of the Reproductive Health Bill. This is the mantra that they shove up on other people’s faces once they sense that the person that they are talking with are against their pro-RH position. This is also the mantra that they used when defending a certain art exhibit in the Cultural Center of the Philippines that insulted the things that Christian taxpayers hold dear.

Well, I have news, these people who keep on shouting “freedom of expression” are the very same people who take no qualms in stepping on the freedom of other people just to express their misguided beliefs. They are the ones who can’t bear to see the truth against the Reproductive Health Bill that is now unfolding in the interpellations being done on Congress and Senate. An example of this intolerance to other people’s belief is the act of a certain tour guide who ripped and stole an anti-RH tarpaulin posted in front of the CBCP office. That tour guide was caught by a CCTV camera and a video showed him running away like a “mandurukot” (petty street thief) right after the thievery.

Well, it seems like that tour guide is not the only one who have that kind of thinking in the pro-RH camp. It is an irony that the people who cry for “freedom of expression” are the same people who are harassing the pro-lifers who are just practicing their rights. Anti-RH Bill materials and properties of pro-lifers were vandalized as shown in the following photos:

Anti-RH Bill sticker, vandalized

Anti-RH sticker and car vandalized

QC Anti-RH Sticker vandalized

Anti-RH Bill tarp removed.

Anti-RH Bill poster in National Shrine of Sacred Heart.

“Freedom of expression” for the hard core RH Bill advocates means unlimited and irresponsible freedom. It is a misguided form of freedom that allows the anti-lifers to contracept, abort, blaspheme and hurt other people’s feelings without repercussions. It is the same concept of freedom used in the recent riots in United Kingdom where rioters looted and destroyed homes and business establishments.

The destruction of anti-RH Bill posters and stickers is just a preview of worse things to come if the anti-life agenda is allowed to take hold in the Philippines. If we allow the anti-life agenda to prosper, then we Filipinos can expect the destruction, not only of Pro-life posters and stickers, but also of the Filipino family; the life inside the womb of Filipino mothers; and the whole Philippine culture.

Note: The third photo was posted by Alexander de Leche in I Oppose the RH Bill Facebook page.

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4 comments on “The Irony of the People Who Shout “Freedom of Expression”
  1. restyodon says:

    Haha! oo nga no! pafreedom freedom of expression wala namang respeto sa freedom ng iba

  2. Libertie says:

    In a democracy, feelings WILL get offended. And who is to judge who’se opinion or beleif is misguided or not? No one. Therefore free and open discussion is a must.

  3. […] the fact that some anti-lifers resort to vandalism when dealing with pro-lifers, more and more people are getting vocal against the the RH Bill. Here […]

  4. Daniela says:

    THANK YOU for bringing this to my mind, my loved ones will benefit
    a lot.

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