Blog Archives

Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs

Passing the RH Bill would be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Already China and Thailand – still with relatively large populations – are suffering from labor shortages because of the rapid aging of their populations over the

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Posted in Population Control, Poverty, The Economic Perspective, The Myth of Overpopulation

Philippine Population = Opportunity

The debate has been going on for centuries. In the Philippines, it flares up whenever lawmakers take up bills proposing to control population growth. In recent months, however, the government’s top economic managers — echoed by a number of private-sector

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Posted in The Economic Perspective

Is Overpopulation the Problem?

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Posted in data, Gallery, Population Control, Poverty, The Economic Perspective, The Myth of Overpopulation

Veritas Radio: A Talk about Demographic Winter

May 30, 2011 – Atty. Marwil Llasos and Dr. Rey Echavez talked about Demographic Winter in the “Pamilya Ko Pamilya Mo” radio show at Veritas Radio.

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Posted in Audio, Videos

Philippine Total Fertility and Poverty of Individuals

RH supporters have claimed that reducing total fertility will reduce the absolute number of poor people in the country. From 1960-2009, there was a reduction in total fertility but an increase in the absolute number of poor people.

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Posted in data, Population Control, Poverty

Philippine Population & Poverty

WHAT’S IN A NUMBER? by timothy2011 Several persons on Facebook have been citing the Philippines’ real GDP growth rate as only 1.1% in building their argument for passing an RH bill. The argument is this: with an economic growth rate

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Posted in Population Control, Poverty, The Myth of Overpopulation