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Francisco Tatad’s Answer to Senator Miriam-Defensor Santiago – Part II

Why this  layman Senator Santiago has raised certain “theological” objections which, given what we just saw in the first part,  may be safely missed in any  discussion of the RH bill.  But because they tend to challenge certain Catholic truths,

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Francisco Tatad’s Answer to Senator Miriam-Defensor Santiago – Part I

Introduction On Monday, August 1, 2011, my good friend and neighbor Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago delivered a speech co-sponsoring Senate Bill No. 2865, “An Act Providing For A National Policy On Reproductive Health and Population and Development.” She titled her

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Senator Santiago’s “constitutional” follow-up to her “encyclical”

This article is posted with permission from WillyJ. For a better understanding, you may also read the first part of this article. — The meat of Senator Miriam Santiago’s RH Sponsorship speech (Parts 2 and 3) rests in claiming that

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Miriam’s “encyclical”: The primacy of conscience says the RH bill is great and all the Popes were wrong after all

This is posted with permission from WillyJ. — Senator Miriam Santiago delivers Part 1 of her sponsorship speech of the Senate version of the RH bill. In so many words, Santiago attempts here to justify her dissent of a key

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Posted in News/Commentary, The Catholic Perspective