Blog Archives

Why the IUD is Bad for Women’s Health

Related Posts: Bakit Masama sa Kalusugan ang IUD The Dangers of IUDs

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Posted in Women's Health

The Truth About Abortion Stats, Rape, Incest and Life of Mother

from the group Men Against Abortion When debating pro-aborts they always bring up the cases of rape, incest and life of the mother. According to this data, these three cases combined only account for 0.53% of all cases of abortion.

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Press Statement on RH and Child Labor, UNFPA, Maternal Mortality and HIV

Reposting from I Oppose the RH Bill, from Congressman Roilo Golez: Press Statement on RH and Child Labor, UNFPA, Maternal Mortality and HIV The pro RH group is blaming the lack of an RH law on the child labor problem

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Posted in Exposés, News/Commentary, Official Statements/Press Releases, Women's Health

OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Stop Using Outdated Data to Mislead Lawmakers!

OFFICIAL STATEMENT September 4, 2011 Stop using outdated data to mislead lawmakers! This is a rejoinder to the statement by pro-RH groups RHAN, Likhaan, and DSWP in which they accused those questioning the “11 a day” statistic of “belittling” maternal

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Posted in Exposés, Official Statements/Press Releases

Five Disturbing Realities About Pro-RH Bill Rhetoric

Responding to 5 Disturbing Realities Concerning RH 5. “11 Women Die Daily of Childbirth” Until now, no pro-RH person has been able to explain exactly how this number was calculated. We know how those numbers were calculated, and it uses

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Posted in Exposés, News/Commentary, The Feminine View, The Scientific Perspective, Women's Health, Youth

Into the Light: Protecting Health and Lives of Mothers

Let’s talk about what it would really take to protect the health and lives of Filipino women. And no, it won’t take the RH Bill to do it.

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Posted in Exposés, The Scientific Perspective, Women's Health