New Data on Abortion Supporters Behind RH Bill

While advocates of the bill say it’s not about abortion, a look at those pushing the bill should raise concern. A recent blogpost identifies pro-abortion groups and individuals supporting the bill that seem to all be connected through a group called “WomenLEAD.”

Abortion groups cited in the post include Women on Waves, the Dutch ship that travels to countries where abortion is illegal to perform medical abortions, Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), IPAS, Catholics for Choice – the U.S. group said to advise Catholics 4 RH, EnGendeRights, and Leadership Development for Mobilizing Reproductive Health (IIE-LDM).

Read the rest here.

Noel Cuta, a commenter on Facebook notes:

‎”Women’s reproductive rights” as promoted in RH Bill and preached by United Nations Population Fund(UNPF) is synonymous to women’s rights to abortion — Abortion Law (Roe v. Wade) of USA. Although the provisions of RH Bill explicitly do not support abortion rights as one of women’s reproductive rights in the present set-up, however, these same provisions allow implicitly chemical abortions if there will be inadequate monitoring of these abortifacients in BFAD primarily and in our hospitals, clinics and pharmacies nationwide secondarily. Also, these same provisions which prohibit abortions can be amended later to support the UNPF’s current definition of women’s reproductive rights to include abortion on demand rights to fit the real plans of UNPF, real sculptor of the aforesaid Bill. As I said the scope of women’s reproductive rights under UNPF includes abortion on demand.

Our Filipino pro-RH bill legislators supporting the passing of RH Bill into a law are deceiving the Filipino people. They made aforesaid Bill to appear promoting the protection of women’s reproductive rights with the hidden agenda of liberal use of chemical contraceptives as promoted by UNPF and Planned Parenthood with some to cause abortions. As a strategy, these aforesaid legislators believe that RH Bill is necessary first step to numb the people’s minds to accept the Abortion Law later. This has the same pattern with US experience — It started with women’s reproductive rights to reduce maternal deaths using the chemical contraceptives as the main strategy and as a launching pad for the imminent entry of dangerous laws supporting abortion on demand rights. Then, with the help of US Supreme Court’s judicial activists who defined ambiguously the abortion rights as rights to privacy of American women and the unborn children as non-persons legalized the Abortion Law in the US – This US experience of liberal promotion of chemical contraception under the guise of protecting the women’s reproductive rights had numbed the American people’s minds to accept Abortion Law in 1973. And thus, UNPF wants that Philippines must follow the same pattern with what US had experienced.

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Posted in data, Documents, RH Bill, Timeline, Women's Health
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