“Physicians Should Be For Life” – Pro-Life Doctor

Interviewer Robles asks why other physicians do not have the same conviction. Dr. Octaviano explains, “I can only answer for my own conscience. But this I would like to surmise. I think as I was blinded before. My other colleagues are also blinded right now because they are forgetting their identity and they forget what they are in this life for, who their true master is. They forget that when one is a physician, you have no other master than God, and this belief must be revealed by your acts to preserve the masterpiece of God, which is life.”

She further explains, “When you are a physician, you are a nurturer of life and you are working for life. You should stand up for life not for anyone, not for any drug company and not for any organization. You should stand up for God, you should stand up for life.”

“There were real threats on my life especially when we really expounded on the evils of contraception and the evils of so-called reproductive health. There were phone calls, vehicles surrounding our house. Sometimes, a stranger tapping our gates and telling our house help to tell me to stop what I am doing or threatening me that they know who drives my car, what time I leave the house and where I am going. In the face of these threats, I told my children that this is not the time to be cowards. If it is God’s will for me to give up my life for Him so be it,” she shares.

For Dr. Octaviano, there are three reasons why we should fight the reproductive health bill.

“The first and foremost reason is because this bill will steal from us our very faith. This bill will steal from us life, not only our lives but also the lives of the future generation of Filipinos. This bill deceives us into believing that this is a bill of good promises but in truth, this bill will promote unrestricted sex.

Read the rest <a href="From Doctor for Life
“>here: Doctor For Life.

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Posted in Exposés, The Catholic Perspective, The Moral Argument
One comment on ““Physicians Should Be For Life” – Pro-Life Doctor
  1. Jane says:

    Doc Dolly, may your tribe increase….

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