Dear Melinda Gates

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One comment on “Dear Melinda Gates
  1. Larry Anderson says:

    As the Philippines chooses which way to go and how sacred life and faith is, the world of enemies are gaining strength with the faltering faith and prayers of the Filipinos. If you choose to ignore God, faith and values, so also will God be cut off from the Philippines. Your future is in question as you teeter on the questions of God and faith, rather the UN can dictate your future and sell you out to socialists, rather there is hope and comfort left under God’s Grace. Remember please, it is not God’s choice, He has already spoken to you, and if youir choice is to leave the promises, faith and hope of sacred teachings, then how could you expect God will continue to shelter and protect you. It is not God that leaves you, it is you that will chose to stay with or leave God at your most crucial moments.

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